VHMS247 Doctor's Policy

FIGTEC CONCEPTS LIMITED  ("FIGTEC CONCEPTS LIMITED", "Company", "we" or "us") is the owner of “VHMS247” brand and operates the app and website at www.vhms247.com (the "Site" "app" or “Website”) and other related websites and mobile applications with links to this Privacy Policy.

VHMS247 is committed to your privacy. This online privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") discloses VHMS247’s practices for the App or websites and subscriber based services ("Services") including the type of information being collected, method of such information collection, use of such information and sharing of such information with third parties. VHMS247 can be reached at e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any privacy concerns.

When we use the term “Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy, we mean information that is directly or indirectly available or likely to be available about you that is

personally identifiable to you -  e.g., name, address, email address, or telephone number,

Personally identifiable health or medical information (“Health Information”)

and any other non-public information that is associated with such information (collectively, “Personal Information”).


VHMS247 hereby notifies you of the following:

(a) What personal information is collected from you through the Website?

(b) How the information collected is used?

(c) How the information collected may be shared and disclosed?

(d) How VHMS247 protects your information?

(e) How you can seek to correct any inaccuracies in the information?

(f) What personal information is collected from you through the mobile App and/or Websites?


1. Information collection and use.


vhms247 is the sole owner of the information collected on the Websites. We will not sell, share, transfer or rent any personal information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this Privacy Policy, the Terms & Conditions and the Terms of Use. vhms247  collects information from you on the "Sign Up" and "Registration" pages ("Profile Pages") of the Website. vhms247  reserves the rights to collect, disseminate, sell or otherwise disclose non-personal information provided by you.

2. Registration.

During the collection of information on the Profile Pages on the Website, you are required to provide your applicable contact information (such as name, physician license information, e-mail address and the like). A mobile verification code and registration number is used to confirm your identity. An email address is also used to contact you about the materials and information on the Website. When the Website requests for the confirmation of your identity, the Website will clearly indicate the purpose of the inquiry before such information is requested. In the case of professional information, professional information provided by you to us will be authenticated against a third party provider. Professional information shall include but not be limited to physician license number, details regarding qualifications and specialties and the like.

3. Personal Profile of s and Health Care Providers.

Pursuant to registration as a or a healthcare provider on the Website, you may provide additional information in your personal profile describing your credentials, professional experiences, academic background, biography and the like. Your personal profile shall be available for viewing by other registered participants of vhms247 and will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. Providing additional information in your personal profile beyond what is required at registration is entirely optional and can be altered or removed by you at any time.

4. IP Addresses.

Every computer connected to the Internet is given a domain name and a set of numbers that serve as that computer's Internet Protocol or IP address. When you browse the Websites, our web servers automatically recognize your domain name and IP address. The domain name and IP address reveal nothing personal about you other than the IP address from which you have accessed the Websites.


5. Third Party Email Addresses.

For the purposes of inviting and introducing third parties to vhms247 , you may import their email address. Alternatively, you may also provide the email address directly to vhms247 . On so doing, vhms247 will not store your affiliated username and corresponding password.


6. Privacy of Minors

vhms247 strongly encourages parents and guardians to supervise the online activities of their minor children and consider using parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers to help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools also can prevent minors from disclosing their name, address, and other personally identifiable information online without parental permission. Please note that although the Websites are not intended for use by minors, vhms247 respects the privacy of minors who may inadvertently use the Internet.

7. Opt-Out Procedures.

Upon initial communication from vhms247 , you may opt-out of receiving further communication from vhms247 . To be completely removed from the vhms247 mailing list, you may email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you are using an e-mail forwarding service or other similar service please make sure to include the correct e-mail address or addresses.

How the information collected is used

1. Use of Personal Health Information:  vhms247 does not collect personal health information about individuals, except when individuals consent to share such personal health information on the App or website. You understand that you may have the option of uploading your health/medical information on the Website in order to enable your or healthcare provider access your previous medical history. While vhms247 takes utmost care with respect to the security of the information you decide to upload, you understand that any information that you disclose on the Website is at your own risk. By uploading / sharing / disclosing your medical information on the Website, you hereby give vhms247 your consent to store such health / medical information on vhms247 's servers. vhms247 will retain such medical / health information you upload on the Website for as long as it is needed to fulfil the service you seek to avail on the Website. If you delete your account, vhms247 will delete such medical / health information from its active servers. But please note: (1) there might be some latency in deleting this information from our servers and backup storage; and (2) we may retain this information if necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements.

2. Sale of Assets, Merger, Acquisition, Bankruptcy: Information collected from you may be transferred to a third party as a result of a sale or acquisition, merger or bankruptcy involving vhms247 .

3. Cookies: A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Use of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on the Websites. Once you close your browser, the cookie simply terminates. You can choose whether to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or allow your browser to show you when a cookie is being sent. If you reject the cookies on the website, you may still be able to use the Website, but it shall be limited to certain minimal functionality. The only drawback to this is that you may be limited only to some areas of the Website or limited to certain functions of the Website. Some of our business partners may use cookies on the Website. Please note that we have no access to or control over these cookies. vhms247 and our business partners may use cookies to better personalize the content, banners, and promotions that you see on the Website.

4. Log Files:  vhms247 may use IP addresses to analyse trends, administer the Site, track your movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use.

How information may be Shared and Disclosed

1. Sharing:  vhms247 may share aggregated demographic information with vhms247 's partners. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person. vhms247 shall not be liable for the transfer of any personal information resulting from the delineation or corruption of storage media, power failures, natural phenomena, riots, sabotage, terrorism, acts of vandalism or any other event beyond vhms247 's control.

2. Consulting:  vhms247 may partner with third parties to provide specific services. When you sign up for these third party services, vhms247 will share names, or other contact information that is necessary for the third party to provide these services. According to vhms247 's contractual arrangements with parties, these parties are not allowed to use personal information except for the explicit purpose of providing these services.

3. Spam:  vhms247 maintains a strict "No-Spam" policy, which means that vhms247 does not intend to sell, rent or otherwise give your e-mail address to a third party without your consent.

4. Legal Requests:  vhms247 takes your right to privacy very seriously and has taken measures to safeguard and respect your personal information. vhms247 will only disclose your personal information in the event it is required to do so by law, rules, regulations, law enforcement, governmental official, legal authority or similar requirements.

How we Protect your Information

1. Confidentiality and Security;  vhms247 takes all necessary precautions to protect your personal information both online and offline. No administrator at vhms247 will have knowledge of your password. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to log off from the Website when you are using a shared computer. vhms247 also protects your personal information off-line. Access to your personal information is limited to employees, agents or partners and third parties with whom we are working. Further, you understand that your personal information will be shared only with those who vhms247 reasonably believes will need it to provide services to you. However, vhms247 is not responsible for the confidentiality, security or distribution of your own personal information by our partners and third parties outside the scope of our agreement with such partners and third parties.

2. Links: The Website may contain links to other third party sites. The third party sites are not necessarily under the control of vhms247 . Please note that vhms247 is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party sites. vhms247 encourages you to be aware when you leave the App or Website and also to read the privacy policies of each and every third party site that collects personal information. If you decide to access any of the third-party sites linked to the Website, you do this entirely at your own risk. Any links to any partner of the Website is the responsibility of the linking party, and vhms247 shall not be responsible for notification of any change in name or location of any information on the Website.

Correcting Inaccuracies

1. Correction/Updating Personal Information: If your personal information changes, or if you no longer desire to use the App or Website, you can update your profile on the profile pages of the Website. vhms247 will endeavour to correct, update or remove the personal data that you have provided.

2. Notification of Changes: We may update this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without advance notice to you. In the event there are significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or in the Privacy Policy, we will display a notice on the Website or send you an email, so that you may review the changed terms prior to continuing to use the Website. As always, if you object to any of the changes to our terms, and you no longer wish to use the Website, you may contact us to deactivate your account. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that vhms247 has about you and your account. Using the services on the Website or accessing the Website after a notice of change has been sent to you or published on our Website shall constitute your consent to the changed terms.

3. Site and Service Updates: As necessary, vhms247 may send you Website and service announcement updates. You will not be able to unsubscribe from service announcements, which contain important information about the Website. vhms247 communicates via e-mail to provide requested services and to resolve issues relating to your account.

4. Consent to This Policy: The Terms of Use is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

5. Report Violations: You should report any security violations that come to your notice at the earliest to us by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

By using our App and website, you indicate your consent to the terms of this privacy policy. vhms247 reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or delete portions of the terms of this privacy policy at any time.